Visual ProgrammingFrom first-time founders to experienced engineers, Bubble allows users to build, design, and launch apps in record speed – no code required.
DDTBrancher.ai是一个无需编码即可创建应用程序的平台。该网站提供100多个模板来帮助提高生产力,用户可以将其创作货币化并分享。该网站还提供将AI模型连接起来构建AI应用程序的功能。有评论提到“诚实的意见”。 Liner.aiLiner.ai是一个免费的工具,可帮助您在几分钟内构建和部署机器学习应用程序。无需编码或机器学习专业知识。费用: Free Liner is a free tool which lets you build and deploy machine learning applications within minutes. No coding or expertise in machine learning required.
SQL query builderAI-powered SQL query builder enables you to quickly build SQL queries without any knowledge of SQL for beginners.
Conju Turn missed calls into new sales with AIConju是一个无代码人工智能应用程序平台,拥有拖放式画布,使任何人都能够构建和赚钱的AI应用程序。 An AI receptionist that texts back your missed callers and books them.