Landr LANDR: The Best Music Production Software for Creators

6个月前发布 27 00

Landr是一个音乐创作和发布平台,它拥有超过3000美元的插件、样本和必备工具。 Try the world's best music production platform for free! Get AI mastering, music distrib...

Landr LANDR: The Best Music Production Software for CreatorsLandr LANDR: The Best Music Production Software for Creators
Landr LANDR: The Best Music Production Software for Creators

Landr是一个音乐创作和发布平台,它拥有超过3000美元的插件、样本和必备工具。 Try the world's best music production platform for free! Get AI mastering, music distribution, pro-grade plugins, free samples, premium courses, and more.



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Cleanvoice AI Cleanvoice AI

Cleanvoice AI Cleanvoice AI

Cleanvoice AI是一款人工智能工具,可从音频录音中去除填充词、口吃和口鸣声。该网站提供30分钟的免费试用,并提供多语言填充词去除、去除口吸声和口吃声、去除静音、时间线导出和集成等功能。该网站还提供播客名称生成器、播客审计、播客问题生成器和剧集标题生成器等工具。该网站具有定价页面、博客、API文档、平台状态和联系信息。该网站还提供隐私和cookie政策、条款和条件等法律信息。 Cleanvoice is an artificial intelligence, which removes filler sounds (uh’s, um’s), mouth sounds (Ex. Lip-smacking) and stuttering from your podcast or audio recording.

