Charley.ai是一款AI作文生成工具,它可以改变您写作的方式。它通过适应用户期望的成绩和写作风格生成长达15,000字的引人入胜的文章。Charley提供文章主题和示例文章以启发和指导用户。它还提供一个可定制的作文创作页面,用户可以选择语气、文章类型、字数和所需成绩。Charley根据用户的需求提供三种价格计划。它是一个无抄袭的工具,比人类写手至少快十倍。 Write incredible essays in under 20 seconds with the world's most advanced AI Essay Writer. Start using Charley and you'll never stress over writing an essay again!
Think like James Altucher NotePD

Think like James Altucher NotePD

NotePD是一个平台,供作家记录他们的想法并与他人分享。它的一个特点是AI驱动的创意生成器,使用James Altucher的广泛想法列表帮助用户生成独特且激励人心的想法。James Altucher是“James Altucher Show”播客的创始人。NotePD是由James Altucher创建的,用于记录自己的想法。 Looking for a place to write down your ideas? is the perfect platform for you! Keep track of your ideas, make them public or private, share them w...
GenText AI Assistant for MS Word Find the right app

GenText AI Assistant for MS Word Find the right app

这是一个Microsoft AppSource的网站,帮助用户找到符合其需求的应用程序。他们使用可选的cookie来改善用户体验,但用户可以在页面底部管理cookie。特色应用程序是GenText AI助手,它是一个基于人工智能的Microsoft Word插件,可帮助专业人士编写报告。它具有三层定价模型,可以阅读和更改文档,以及通过互联网发送数据。该网站还提供有关Microsoft产品、服务和教育、商业和开发人员资源的信息。 Discover the app for your business needs and explore tailored solutions for various industries. Whether you are seeking Microsoft 365 apps for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Outlook, or apps for Power Platform, Dynamics 365, SaaS, we have you covered. Enhance your productivity and streamline your work with our diverse range of plugins, including grammar and citation tools, GPT-powered Word and Excel enhancements, word clouds, and more. Find the right tools to excel in your field and make the most of your software experience, right here.
Awesome ChatGPT prompts GitHub: Let’s build from here · GitHub

Awesome ChatGPT prompts GitHub: Let’s build from here · GitHub

这是一个关于ChatGPT的网站,提供与ChatGPT一起使用的提示存储库。除了存储库外,还有一些扩展可供使用,例如在Google搜索结果旁边显示ChatGPT响应,添加输入历史记录和计数器以及将ChatGPT嵌入为语音助手。此外,还提供了使用ChatGPT生成文本的资源、演示和时间表。该网站托管在GitHub上。 GitHub is where over 100 million developers shape the future of software, together. Contribute to the open source community, manage your Git repositories, review code like a pro, track bugs and features, power your CI/CD and DevOps workflows, and secure code before you commit it.