MeyaGPT MeyaMeya.ai是一个聊天机器人平台,提供MeyaGPT等工具,可以在不需要编码或培训的情况下轻松构建和集成聊天机器人。Use BFML and Python to build and launch great customer support (advanced mobile & web chat UI included)0280工具集聊天对话
Recipes By AILet's Foodie 是一个智能食谱生成项目,只需要输入你手头拥有的食材清单,这个个性化的 AI 厨师就会为你量身定制一份食谱。无论你是厨艺新手还是老手,这个项目都能够帮助你在厨房里轻松自如。不仅如此,Recipes By AI 还能够帮助你避免浪费食材,让你的餐桌更加健康、美味。0280工具集聊天对话
AI ParabellumAI Parabellum is the comprehensive AI Tools Directory on the web, your go-to resource for exploring, evaluating, and engaging with innovative AI tools.0280AI导航
CodeGeeXCodeGeeX is an AI-based coding assistant, which can suggest code in the current or following lines. It is powered by a large-scale multilingual code generation model with 13 billion parameters, pretrained on a large code corpus of more than 20 programming languages. CodeGeeX是一个基于AI大模型的编程辅助工具,可以实现自动代码生成、代码翻译、自动编写注释等功能,支持20多种编程语言。0280工具集编程工具# AI Coding Assistant# AI Programming Tool# AI代码生成
LiblibAI·哩布哩布AI原创AI模型分享社区,这里有最新、最热门的模型素材,10万+模型免费下载。欢迎每一位创作者加入,分享你的作品。与中国原创模型作者交流,共同探索AI绘画。0280工具集模型下载# 2.5D# C站热门# pose
商汤秒画SenseMirage会打字就会用的AI绘画神器,完美支持中文提示词,支持摄影、可爱、精致、赛博朋克、电影等超多风格,人人都可以是插画师!快速创作二次元、写实向等多种风格小姐姐!0280工具集# 18+ai绘画# AI作画# ai绘画图片
SQL query builderAI-powered SQL query builder enables you to quickly build SQL queries without any knowledge of SQL for beginners.0280商业管理工具集
TuneFlowTuneFlow - An intelligent platform that helps you make more creative music in a much simpler way, with the power of AI.0280工具集音乐# AI# Background Music# Composer
AI Vocals and Text To SpeechMake Music, Voiceovers and Videos With AI Vocals, Text to Speech, Voice Conversion and Voice Cloning0280工具集语音克隆# AI generated music# AI vocals# AI voice
Descript: Edit Videos & Podcasts Like a DocEdit your videos & podcasts just by typing. Descript's powerful AI editing tools let you make videos, podcasts, & short clips for social fast. Try it for free.0280工具集音频
腾讯智影腾讯智影是一款云端智能视频创作工具,集素材搜集、视频剪辑、渲染导出和发布于一体的免费在线剪辑平台。强大的AI智能工具,支持文本配音、数字人播报、自动字幕识别、文章转视频、去水印、视频解说、横转竖等功能,拥有丰富的素材库,极大提升创作效率,帮助用户更好地进行视频化的表达。0280工具集虚拟数字人# AI视频剪辑# AI配音# 免费AI配音
Wink AppWink App是高清画质修复必备神器,打造自然服帖精致人像,照片&视频都能修,360度还原美貌无死角,Get氛围感影像,美图秀秀荣誉出品。 WinkStudio是桌面端AI视频编辑工具,打造“AI+视频剪辑=修一帧,用全局”的全新创作体验,服务于视频内容创作者,AI视频前沿效果尽在Wink Studio。0280工具集视频生成
Stock Image Search EngineStock image finder for all who hate bad stock photos. Use it to find the best licensed images for the lowest price. More than 50 image sources.0280工具集搜索引擎# stock image search engine find source photo url licensing compare price site
AIPRM: Your Cheat Code for AI like ChatGPTThe Ultimate Time Saver for ChatGPT and other AI models. Trusted by over 2 million users and some of the world’s biggest brands.0280Prompt提示词商业管理
PromptBaseExplore 130,000+ curated AI prompts made by expert AI creators. Produce better outputs, save on time & API costs, sell your own prompts.0280Prompt提示词商业管理# AI# buy# chatgpt
GPTZeroCovered by >100 media outlets, GPTZero is the most advanced AI detector for ChatGPT, GPT-4, Gemini. Check up to 50000 characters for AI plagiarism in seconds.0280内容检测学习平台
开山猴专注AI公文写作,可以为您一键生成工作总结、工作计划、工作规划、工作简报、先进事迹报告等20多种公文类型、279种语言风格的高品质行政公文,为您节省公文写作精力。0280公文写作工具集# ai写作# AI写作大师# 一字成文
PaperDog官网PaperDog论文查重官网_免费论文查重系统_AI论文写作神器,每天免费查重一篇,提供格论文格式排版_检测,强效论文降重,智能降重,AI写作原创生成、改写、扩写、续写等服务,深受学生欢迎的论文查重免费网站,论文降重改重、AI智能原创生成平台。0280工具集论文查重# PaperDog# 免费查重# 查重
Chatpad AIChatpad AI是一款基于GPT-4技术的聊天应用程序,是一个免费且开源的私密聊天平台,不会跟踪用户或使用Cookie。该网站提供下载桌面应用程序、访问聊天、消息和提示数据库、导出和导入数据以及删除聊天和所有数据等选项。0270工具集聊天对话
AI Color Palette GeneratorCreate cool and unique color palettes with our AI-powered color palette generator. Browse, edit, and visualize your palettes to find the perfect combination for your project.0270工具集设计工具# AI# browse# color palette
PastelPastel drafts all your email replies for you, in your tone of voice. Less busywork, more real work.0270工具集
Chirper AIStep into the realm of Chirper, our vibrant world of AI characters. Here, they don't just exist – they create, learn, discover, and evolve. This is Chirper, where AI Live0270AI社区工具集
Leap AIScale your marketing and sales team with AI automation for content generation, email outreach, and more.0270工具集开发框架
ScrapingBeeScrapingBee is a Web Scraping API that handles proxies and Headless browser for you, so you can focus on extracting the data you want, and nothing else.0270工具集
在线别墅设计神器模袋云是一款低门槛的在线别墅建模软件。包含了柱、墙、梁、板、屋顶、门窗、楼梯等必要的建筑构件,以及罗马柱、檐口线、腰线、墙裙、浮雕、门窗套线等丰富的外立面装饰素材,能够识别CAD格式的建筑平面图。轻松搞定建筑模型的协同、分享和展示的一站式别墅设计营销解决方案。0270工具集设计工具# 农村别墅图纸# 别墅图纸# 别墅外墙
酷家乐酷家乐是一款在线高效云设计软件,3步上手,10秒做出超清3D效果图,平台有着3000多万的注册用户,合作企业达到了2万多家,同时还为广大业主朋友、房产从业者提供累计1.5亿免费设计素材和3亿+设计方案,覆盖全国90%户型的户型图以及海量装修效果图、3D模型素材。0270工具集# 装修设计软件,在线设计平台,室内装修设计软件,装修效果图,家装效果图,户型图,装修设计方案
陌言AI陌言AI是一个企业级AI平台,支持在线智能AI写作,智能AI对话,智能AI客服,能帮你创作各种高质量原创文章、帮你写论文、写代码、写小说、续写文案、文章改写、工作报告等,还有各种AI模拟角色,我们还支持团队模式AI训练知识库,快速训练符合企业要求的AI机器人,大幅降低企业成本 提高企业效率。0270工具集# ai写作# AI写作工具,AI智能写作,AI客服# 智能AI助手
360AI导航360AI人工智能商店,精选互联网资源最全的ai人工智能网,搜集并整理人工智能工具的网站、教程、资源,让您能够快速找到适合的工具和内容。收录AI工具网站、公众号、自媒体、书籍、电影等,分类包括AI趣站、AI开放平台、AI资讯、有趣网站、开源项目、AI学习平台等内容,涵盖了AI绘画,AI游戏,AI视频,AI网址大全,AI工具软件,AI搜索、AI写作、AI剪辑、AI动画、AI3D、AI游戏、AI营销等等0270工具集# 360AI人工智能商店,精选互联网资源最全的ai人工智能网,搜集并整理人工智能工具的网站# AI3D# ai写作
Fy!Fy is the home of the world's best emerging brands. Unique homeware, wall art, furniture and accessories. Shop your heart out.0270工具集
Google TranslateGoogle's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.0270字幕翻译工具集# machine translation# online translation# translate
YarnitYarnit is a Generative AI-powered content creation platform helping businesses to ideate, write, design and publish personalised content and creatives for their customers0270学习平台工具集
Hoppy Copy: AI Email Writing Platform for MarketersSave countless hours writing. Use AI to generate powerful copy for hundreds of different email marketing campaigns, drips, newsletters and more—in seconds ⚡0270写作工具工具集
AI灵感PPTAI灵感PPT是一款智能PPT生成工具,提供PPT生成、文章总结PPT功能;支持AI配图、AI配音和AI创作,快速制作自动演讲的PPT;工具内提供海量PPT模板,能够在线自由设计PPT,使我们很轻松的就能做出非常漂亮的PPT设计。0270PPT工具集# AiPPT# AI办公# AI办公全家桶
auxiauxi is the most advanced powerpoint add-in on the market. auxi has been built specifically for management consultants and visual graphic designers.0270PPT工具集
VOCALOID ( ボーカロイド・ボカロ ) 公式サイトヤマハ株式会社が運営するVOCALOID(ボーカロイド、ボカロ)公式サイトです。VST/AU/ARA2に対応したVOCALOID6のダウンロード購入はこちらから。 VOCALOID6の他に追加ボイスバンクのダウンロード購入もできます。ボカロPインタビュー、公式使い方解説、サポート情報などを掲載しています。0270工具集歌手
AI定制背景音乐下载平台BGM猫提供版权背景音乐一站式服务,正版商业授权,AI智能生成曲库,免费无限,快捷授权,一键下载.0270工具集音乐# 商用音乐授权 罐头音乐 混剪bgm AI生成音乐 纯音乐 背景音乐购买网站 版权音乐 bgm下载
GitHub: Let’s build from here · GitHubGitHub is where over 100 million developers shape the future of software, together. Contribute to the open source community, manage your Git repositories, review code like a pro, track bugs and features, power your CI/CD and DevOps workflows, and secure code before you commit it.0270工具集语音克隆
AI Voice Generator: Versatile Text to Speech SoftwareAI Voice Generator in 20 languages. 120+ realistic text to speech voices to create the perfect AI voiceover. Go instantly from text to voice with ease.0270工具集语音克隆
Redirecting to to建模3D建模
AI Image GeneratorTransform your projects with our AI image generator. Generate high-quality, AI generated images with unparalleled speed and style to elevate your creative vision0270工具集游戏娱乐
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Booth AIBooth AI - Build your AI Solution in minutes. The No-Code AI Workflow builder for Enterprise0270工具集绘画
堆友—AI设计生产力工具:零门槛AI绘画+多种电商设计神器堆友是Alibaba Design打造的设计师全成长周期服务平台,围绕品质、效率、技能、成就、收入五大用户价值布局平台能力,全力服务设计师,旨在成为设计师的好朋友。堆友历经大厂设计师团队多轮打磨雕刻,集海量高品质3D素材、实时在线渲染、多元场景功能应用、轻便好学易上手等多重优势于一身的设计神器,更自带免费可商用属性,为专业设计师、运营工友、学生小白、社交达人提供了一个零成本的在线设计站点和资源库。0270工具集绘画
怪兽AI知识库大模型怪兽智能一站式AI企业知识库搭建系统,企业知识库大模型训练,智能企业客服,先进的企业知识库 + 智能的AI问答机器人,轻松集成在直播平台/网站/APP/小程序等三方应用做电商智能问答客服,企业聊天机器人,直播回复0270工具集知识库# 智能AI知识库,企业知识库大模型训练,企业知识库,知识库问答,智能客服,聊天机器人,问答机器人,电商智能客服,直播智能回复,淘宝AI客服,京东AI客服
AI Art Generator: Free AI Image Generator & EditorExplore AI image generators with our free photo generators & editors. Perfect for transforming ideas into stunning visuals using text-to-image prompts.0270Prompt提示词工具集
Snack PromptExplore a community-driven platform to discover, upvote, and share the best AI prompts for ChatGPT & Gemini. Follow topics, create and organize prompts, and connect with expert prompters. Unlock AI’s full potential with Snack Prompt.0270Prompt提示词工具集# AI collaboration# AI prompt community# AI prompt platform
promptoMANIA: AI art community with prompt generatorPromptoMANIA is an AI art prompt generator. Create amazing and detailed prompts for any text-to-image diffusion model.0270Prompt提示词工具集
AIInstantly detect plagiarized content, AI generated content & more with Copyleaks, the only AI-based platform used by millions worldwide.0270内容检测工具集
Plagiarism Detection SoftwareTake the effort out of plagiarism detection with iThenticate. The most trusted plagiarism checker by the world’s top researchers, publishers, and scholars.0270工具集论文查重
WritecreamTrusted by over 1,500,000 users. Writecream is an all-in-one platform to generate text, audio, and images. Generate articles, essays, art, and voiceovers.0270写作工具工具集
笔灵AI写作笔灵AI写作官网( - 国内领先的AI写作助手与智能工具。专为提高写作效率而设计,提供免费的AI文章改写、论文辅助、商业计划书撰写等服务。无论是学术写作还是商业文案,笔灵AI写作都能快速生成高质量内容,简化您的写作过程。0270写作工具工具集# AI代写# ai写作# AI写作免费
Norby AI Norby AINorby AI是一家专注于为关注客户体验的企业提供智能解决方案的公司。Unlock the potential of Your website with a #web3 assistant!0260工具集聊天对话