Postme Postme官网快速生成高质量外贸营销文案 Postme 是一款强大的 AI 写作工具,可以帮助您快速生成高质量、原创的外贸营销文案。只需输入简短的中文关键词,一键即可生成,无论是开发信、亚马逊Listing、Facebook 广告、Twitter 帖子、Instagram 标题、TikTok 视频脚本,还是独立站SEO文章,Postme 都能为您的营销活动提供优质的英文营销内容,让您的出海之路更加顺畅。
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写个论文 写个论文写个论文支持通顺度、降重力度两个降重模式,轻松降低论文查重率,让写论文更简单。写个论文不仅是一款免费论文降重神器,每天免费降重10次,而且还提供一站式聚合论文查 写个论文支持通顺度、降重力度两个降重模式,轻松降低论文查重率,让写论文更简单。写个论文不仅是一款免费论文降重神器,每天免费降重10次,而且还提供一站式聚合论文查重,包含:知网查重、维普查重、万方查重等服务,守护你毕业最后一站。
微软爱写作Microsoft Aim Writing 微软爱写作由微软亚洲研究院研发并升级的英语写作辅助平台,提供自动作文评分和修改建议,帮助用户提高英语写作能力。 微软爱写作 - Aim Writing
wordtune Wordtune: Free AI Writing Assistant通过清晰、引人注目和真实的写作准确表达您的意思。 Wordtune is the AI writing assistant that helps you write high-quality content across emails, blogs, ads, and more. Use it to get results you can trust every time.
frase FraseFrase AI 可帮助您在几分钟而不是几小时内研究、编写和优化高质量的 SEO 内容。 Frase empowers content creators to go from keyword to well-researched, SEO-optimized articles faster and better.
Twain TwainTwain会帮你写出一个很棒的开场白,告诉你什么时候要避免填充词,并解释为什么在电子邮件结尾提出一个明确的问题是正确的。 World-class selling skills at your fingertips. Use Twain for free to see what your sales pitch is missing. Lavender一家被 Twilio 以 3B+ 美元收购的公司信任他们的代表能够写作。为了帮助他们,他们给了他们护栏,让他们能够朝着正确的方向成长。 Lavender helps thousands of sellers around the world write better emails faster and get more positive replies in less time.
AnalyzGPT sttabot.io网站提供两个不同的工具:AnalyzGPT Demo和React Coder。React Coder是一个专业的工具,用于编写简洁的ReactJS代码。AnalyzGPT Demo是一个支持AI的工具,用于分析人手或脚的X光图像,以识别骨折和事故场景。用户可以通过提供图像的公共链接免费获得有关其X光图像的详细报告。网站提到了出版商详细信息、发布日期以及两个工具都是使用Sttabot.io构建的。网站还提供通知功能。
AI Image GeneratorTransform your projects with our AI image generator. Generate high-quality, AI generated images with unparalleled speed and style to elevate your creative vision
Descritella Analyze your Photos Free Online 📷这是一个生成产品描述和关键词的AI工具 **Analyze your photos, Photo Rater AI** with our free online tool!, identify objects, and discover hidden details. Unlock the full potential of your pictures today.
Child Book Create Your Unique Children's Book Story with AIChildbook.ai是一个使用人工智能来帮助用户创作个性化儿童图书的网站。 Create AI children's stories with personalized characters and unique illustrations. The prettiest and most consistent AI generated children's books.
GPTForMe Freeplay.aiGPTForMe是一款个性化AI工具,允许用户与公共GPT-3模型不知道的个人或利基内容进行交互。该工具使用OpenAI嵌入技术和语义搜索技术为上传的内容和提示创建嵌入。用户可以上传自己的内容作为GPT-3的上下文。它可以理解和处理自定义数据,使其成为个人和专业用途的改变者。Transform how you build with LLMs. Freeplay gives product teams the power to prototype faster, test with confidence, and optimize products for customers.
FormWise FormWise.AI这是一个构建AI工具的平台 Turn your favorite ChatGPT prompts & convos into tools you can monetize in minutes. Join 3,000+ entrepreneurs building AI tools with ZERO code! Explore hundreds of use cases today!
Poly ai HomePoly ai是一个超级人工智能语音助手项目,可以为用户提供高效、便捷的电话服务体验,通过人工智能技术为用户提供快速、准确的电话接听和处理服务,让用户的生活更加轻松、自由。 The world's only customer-led conversational platform for enterprise. beb.aiBeb.ai提供创意内容,不需要任何设计技能,用户可以接收到有趣的社交媒体帖子、广告、营销活动、动态营销材料、节日贺卡等。用户需要上传20-30张不同位置、不同角度、不同面部表情和情感的照片。AI生成器将学习产品的独特特征,可能需要长达24小时。每周,用户将收到9个不同主题、不同背景的72张新照片。网站还包括来自满意客户的推荐。
ProPhotos The #1 Professional AI Headshot GeneratorProPhotos是一个将普通照片转换为专业头像的工具。 Get professional headshots done in minutes with our AI headshot generator. We transform your selfies into realistic AI headshots. Save time & money.
GitHub: Let’s build from here · GitHubGitHub is where over 100 million developers shape the future of software, together. Contribute to the open source community, manage your Git repositories, review code like a pro, track bugs and features, power your CI/CD and DevOps workflows, and secure code before you commit it.
Narration BoxEasiest way for turning text into speech for creating voiceovers full of emotion and expression, using realistic AI voices in 140+ languages and accents.
#1 AI Music StudioExplore Soundful: The leading AI Music Studio for creators. Innovate and elevate your music effortlessly with our advanced AI Music Generator.
VOCALOID ( ボーカロイド・ボカロ ) 公式サイトヤマハ株式会社が運営するVOCALOID(ボーカロイド、ボカロ)公式サイトです。VST/AU/ARA2に対応したVOCALOID6のダウンロード購入はこちらから。 VOCALOID6の他に追加ボイスバンクのダウンロード購入もできます。ボカロPインタビュー、公式使い方解説、サポート情報などを掲載しています。
AI 音视频知行助理:BibiGPT 一键总结 B 站、YouTube、播客、本地视频AI 音视频一键总结与对话,轻松学习哔哩哔哩丨YouTube丨本地视频丨本地音频丨播客丨小红书丨抖音丨会议丨讲座丨网页等任意内容。BibiGPT 致力于成为你的最佳 AI 知行助理,让你的视频看得快、搜得到、用得好!支持免费试用!(原 BiliGPT 省流神器 & AI 课代表)(支持移动端微信助理、iOS 快捷指令)
MubertMubert - The new royalty-free music ecosystem for content creators, brands and developers 🔥 Come See How Our High-Quality Music Can Elevate Your Content ⏩
PictoryWith Pictory you can create and edit professional quality videos using text in minutes, no technical skills required or software to download.
GitHub: Let’s build from here · GitHubGitHub is where over 100 million developers shape the future of software, together. Contribute to the open source community, manage your Git repositories, review code like a pro, track bugs and features, power your CI/CD and DevOps workflows, and secure code before you commit it.
Narration BoxEasiest way for turning text into speech for creating voiceovers full of emotion and expression, using realistic AI voices in 140+ languages and accents.
#1 AI Music StudioExplore Soundful: The leading AI Music Studio for creators. Innovate and elevate your music effortlessly with our advanced AI Music Generator.
VOCALOID ( ボーカロイド・ボカロ ) 公式サイトヤマハ株式会社が運営するVOCALOID(ボーカロイド、ボカロ)公式サイトです。VST/AU/ARA2に対応したVOCALOID6のダウンロード購入はこちらから。 VOCALOID6の他に追加ボイスバンクのダウンロード購入もできます。ボカロPインタビュー、公式使い方解説、サポート情報などを掲載しています。
AI 音视频知行助理:BibiGPT 一键总结 B 站、YouTube、播客、本地视频AI 音视频一键总结与对话,轻松学习哔哩哔哩丨YouTube丨本地视频丨本地音频丨播客丨小红书丨抖音丨会议丨讲座丨网页等任意内容。BibiGPT 致力于成为你的最佳 AI 知行助理,让你的视频看得快、搜得到、用得好!支持免费试用!(原 BiliGPT 省流神器 & AI 课代表)(支持移动端微信助理、iOS 快捷指令)
MubertMubert - The new royalty-free music ecosystem for content creators, brands and developers 🔥 Come See How Our High-Quality Music Can Elevate Your Content ⏩
PictoryWith Pictory you can create and edit professional quality videos using text in minutes, no technical skills required or software to download.
ChatDOCDive into PDFs like never before with ChatDOC. Let AI summarize long documents, explain complex concepts, and find key information in seconds.
歌者 PPT歌者 PPT(是一款永久免费的 PPT 智能生成工具。用户可将任何主题或资料轻松转为 PPT,并可选择应用大量精美模板或者自定义模板。此外,通过主动分享 PPT 案例,形成了活跃社区,帮助用户快速找到灵感,且一键复用。无论是商务演示、教育培训、学术报告还是专业领域,都能提供便捷的操作和智能化体验,让 PPT 制作更加轻松高效。
Hugging FaceWe’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science.
GitHub: Let’s build from here · GitHubGitHub is where over 100 million developers shape the future of software, together. Contribute to the open source community, manage your Git repositories, review code like a pro, track bugs and features, power your CI/CD and DevOps workflows, and secure code before you commit it.
Lightning AIThe all-in-one platform for AI development. Code together. Prototype. Train. Scale. Serve. From your browser - with zero setup. From the creators of PyTorch Lightning.
Collie AI CollieCollie AI是一个集成搜索栏的网站,提高您网站的用户体验。在几秒钟内获取网站上的每个资源并创建无缝搜索体验。 Elevate your website's user experience with Collie's embedded search bar. Fetch every asset on your site and create a seamless search experience in seconds. Try Collie now!
Shumai (by Meta) GitHub: Let’s build from here · GitHub这似乎是一个空的网站,没有数据。 GitHub is where over 100 million developers shape the future of software, together. Contribute to the open source community, manage your Git repositories, review code like a pro, track bugs and features, power your CI/CD and DevOps workflows, and secure code before you commit it.
heyCLI heyCLIheyCLI是一个将自然语言翻译成终端命令的命令行工具。 Linux commands in natural language. Work in terminal but using plain English!
Sagify Site not found · GitHub PagesSagify是一个命令行工具,用于在AWS SageMaker上训练和部署ML/DL模型。 Site not found · GitHub Pages
UncensoredGreatsUncensoredGreats是一个使用Streamlit app框架构建的网站,提供了一个可以通过提供的链接访问的应用程序。使用Streamlit框架可以快速构建和共享数据应用程序。此外,Streamlit网站上还提供了一个画廊,展示了使用Streamlit和开源映射库创建的各种交互式Web应用程序。
AnalyzGPT sttabot.io网站提供两个不同的工具:AnalyzGPT Demo和React Coder。React Coder是一个专业的工具,用于编写简洁的ReactJS代码。AnalyzGPT Demo是一个支持AI的工具,用于分析人手或脚的X光图像,以识别骨折和事故场景。用户可以通过提供图像的公共链接免费获得有关其X光图像的详细报告。网站提到了出版商详细信息、发布日期以及两个工具都是使用Sttabot.io构建的。网站还提供通知功能。
Descritella Analyze your Photos Free Online 📷这是一个生成产品描述和关键词的AI工具 **Analyze your photos, Photo Rater AI** with our free online tool!, identify objects, and discover hidden details. Unlock the full potential of your pictures today.
Child Book Create Your Unique Children's Book Story with AIChildbook.ai是一个使用人工智能来帮助用户创作个性化儿童图书的网站。 Create AI children's stories with personalized characters and unique illustrations. The prettiest and most consistent AI generated children's books.
GPTForMe Freeplay.aiGPTForMe是一款个性化AI工具,允许用户与公共GPT-3模型不知道的个人或利基内容进行交互。该工具使用OpenAI嵌入技术和语义搜索技术为上传的内容和提示创建嵌入。用户可以上传自己的内容作为GPT-3的上下文。它可以理解和处理自定义数据,使其成为个人和专业用途的改变者。Transform how you build with LLMs. Freeplay gives product teams the power to prototype faster, test with confidence, and optimize products for customers.
FormWise FormWise.AI这是一个构建AI工具的平台 Turn your favorite ChatGPT prompts & convos into tools you can monetize in minutes. Join 3,000+ entrepreneurs building AI tools with ZERO code! Explore hundreds of use cases today!
Poly ai HomePoly ai是一个超级人工智能语音助手项目,可以为用户提供高效、便捷的电话服务体验,通过人工智能技术为用户提供快速、准确的电话接听和处理服务,让用户的生活更加轻松、自由。 The world's only customer-led conversational platform for enterprise. beb.aiBeb.ai提供创意内容,不需要任何设计技能,用户可以接收到有趣的社交媒体帖子、广告、营销活动、动态营销材料、节日贺卡等。用户需要上传20-30张不同位置、不同角度、不同面部表情和情感的照片。AI生成器将学习产品的独特特征,可能需要长达24小时。每周,用户将收到9个不同主题、不同背景的72张新照片。网站还包括来自满意客户的推荐。
ProPhotos The #1 Professional AI Headshot GeneratorProPhotos是一个将普通照片转换为专业头像的工具。 Get professional headshots done in minutes with our AI headshot generator. We transform your selfies into realistic AI headshots. Save time & money.
AYAYA – Cartoon Photo Editor App StoreAYAYA - Cartoon Photo Editor是一款AI拼贴生成器应用程序,它可以将您的照片转换为卡通风格和手绘风格。 The App Store gives people around the world a safe and trusted place to discover apps that meet our high standards for privacy, security, and content.
AI Image GeneratorTransform your projects with our AI image generator. Generate high-quality, AI generated images with unparalleled speed and style to elevate your creative vision
AI Puzzles这是一个关于Shopify的网站,它是一款电子商务软件,允许用户创建在线商店并销售产品。用户可以注册Shopify,购买商店,或者找到要销售的产品。该网站还包括将现有域连接到Shopify商店的说明。
AI Bingo AI Bingo 🤖AI Bingo是一个猜谜游戏,玩家需要猜测哪个AI模型生成了给定的图像提示,包括DALL-E、Midjourney和Stable Diffusion。网站由@lipsumar和@paulmarique创建。 AI Bingo 🤖
AI Roguelite Welcome to Steam这是一个AI生成的基于文本的RPG游戏网站 Steam is the ultimate destination for playing, discussing, and creating games.
Chess AI Betafish.js这是一个Betafish.js国际象棋AI网站,用户可以输入FEN(Forsyth-Edwards符号)代码或手动设置棋盘。AI可以移动棋子,用户还可以撤回移动或翻转棋盘。网站还包括1s、3s、5s或10s的思考时间选项,棋盘使用cm-chessboard和Staunty棋子和标记精灵库显示。该网站由Gavin制作,并充满爱心。 Betafish.js | Chess AI
Digirama App StoreDigirama是一个移动应用程序,用于创建人工智能角色。 The App Store gives people around the world a safe and trusted place to discover apps that meet our high standards for privacy, security, and content.
The Simulation The SimulationThe Simulation是一个以人工智能为核心的元宇宙项目。 An AI Simulation game - co-create the first truly intelligent AIs through your play with Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback.
AnalyzGPT sttabot.io网站提供两个不同的工具:AnalyzGPT Demo和React Coder。React Coder是一个专业的工具,用于编写简洁的ReactJS代码。AnalyzGPT Demo是一个支持AI的工具,用于分析人手或脚的X光图像,以识别骨折和事故场景。用户可以通过提供图像的公共链接免费获得有关其X光图像的详细报告。网站提到了出版商详细信息、发布日期以及两个工具都是使用Sttabot.io构建的。网站还提供通知功能。
GLASS GlassGlass是一个为医生设计的知识管理系统,旨在学习、组织和策划医学知识。它是一个由AI支持的医学知识管理和临床决策平台,帮助临床医生提供更好的患者护理。 Glass Health有一个博客,讨论他们的平台如何工作以及为医生提供的好处。 Glass empowers clinicians with our platform for AI-powered clinical decision support.
Cradle Cradle — Design Better ProteinsCradle是一个帮助生物学家利用强大的预测算法和AI设计建议,以创纪录的速度设计改进蛋白质的项目。 Design better proteins
Generate:Biomedicines Generate:BiomedicinesGenerate Biomedicines是一家生物技术公司,利用生物学、机器学习、生物工程等技术开发新型治疗方法。 Generate Biomedicines is a new kind of therapeutics company—existing at the intersection of biology, machine learning, and biological engineering.
HELIOPOLISTECH HELIOPOLIS BIOTECHHELIOPOLISTECH是一个专注于发现和开发新的治疗蛋白的网站。 Our research focuses on de novo protein design with the final goal of developing novel and effective therapeutics.
PPLEGPT PPLeGPTPPLEGPT是一个基于人工智能的健身项目,为用户提供个性化的PPL锻炼计划。无论您是初学者还是有经验的健身爱好者,PPLEGPT都能够为您提供适合的训练方案。 Your AI gym-bro. Generate your next workout in seconds.
AI DoulaAI Doula是一个为孕产妇提供人工智能支持的项目。它提供个性化的护理、孕期健康、育儿技巧和情感健康方面的帮助。无论您是准妈妈还是新妈妈,AI Doula都能为您提供全方位的支持,帮助您度过孕期和产后的旅程。通过AI Doula,您可以获得专业的建议和指导,以及与其他妈妈分享经验和知识的机会。这个项目是一个非常有用的资源,可以帮助您更好地应对孕期和育儿的挑战。
AI Image GeneratorTransform your projects with our AI image generator. Generate high-quality, AI generated images with unparalleled speed and style to elevate your creative vision
Hugging FaceWe’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science.
GitHub: Let’s build from here · GitHubGitHub is where over 100 million developers shape the future of software, together. Contribute to the open source community, manage your Git repositories, review code like a pro, track bugs and features, power your CI/CD and DevOps workflows, and secure code before you commit it.
GitHub: Let’s build from here · GitHubGitHub is where over 100 million developers shape the future of software, together. Contribute to the open source community, manage your Git repositories, review code like a pro, track bugs and features, power your CI/CD and DevOps workflows, and secure code before you commit it.
Narration BoxEasiest way for turning text into speech for creating voiceovers full of emotion and expression, using realistic AI voices in 140+ languages and accents.
#1 AI Music StudioExplore Soundful: The leading AI Music Studio for creators. Innovate and elevate your music effortlessly with our advanced AI Music Generator.
VOCALOID ( ボーカロイド・ボカロ ) 公式サイトヤマハ株式会社が運営するVOCALOID(ボーカロイド、ボカロ)公式サイトです。VST/AU/ARA2に対応したVOCALOID6のダウンロード購入はこちらから。 VOCALOID6の他に追加ボイスバンクのダウンロード購入もできます。ボカロPインタビュー、公式使い方解説、サポート情報などを掲載しています。
GPTForMe Freeplay.aiGPTForMe是一款个性化AI工具,允许用户与公共GPT-3模型不知道的个人或利基内容进行交互。该工具使用OpenAI嵌入技术和语义搜索技术为上传的内容和提示创建嵌入。用户可以上传自己的内容作为GPT-3的上下文。它可以理解和处理自定义数据,使其成为个人和专业用途的改变者。Transform how you build with LLMs. Freeplay gives product teams the power to prototype faster, test with confidence, and optimize products for customers.
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Hugging FaceWe’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science.
GitHub: Let’s build from here · GitHubGitHub is where over 100 million developers shape the future of software, together. Contribute to the open source community, manage your Git repositories, review code like a pro, track bugs and features, power your CI/CD and DevOps workflows, and secure code before you commit it.
MindSporeThe all-scenario deep learning framework that best manifests the computing power of the Ascend AI processor, provides development experience with friendly design and efficient execution for the data scientists and algorithmic engineers, and further advance the development and enrichment of the AI software/hardware application ecosystem.
Hugging FaceWe’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science.
Hugging FaceWe’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science.
Hugging FaceWe’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science.
Hugging FaceWe’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science.
Hugging FaceWe’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science.
Kaggle: Your Machine Learning and Data Science CommunityKaggle is the world’s largest data science community with powerful tools and resources to help you achieve your data science goals.
MindSporeThe all-scenario deep learning framework that best manifests the computing power of the Ascend AI processor, provides development experience with friendly design and efficient execution for the data scientists and algorithmic engineers, and further advance the development and enrichment of the AI software/hardware application ecosystem.
飞桨AI Studio星河社区飞桨星河社区是面向AI学习者的人工智能学习与实训社区。飞桨星河社区集成了丰富的免费AI课程,大模型社区及模型应用,深度学习样例项目,各领域经典数据集,云端超强GPU算力及存储资源,更有新手练习赛、精英算法大赛等你参与。
Hugging FaceWe’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science.
Hugging FaceWe’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science.
Hugging FaceWe’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science.
Hugging FaceWe’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science.
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Kaggle: Your Machine Learning and Data Science CommunityKaggle is the world’s largest data science community with powerful tools and resources to help you achieve your data science goals.
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Hugging FaceWe’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science.
Hugging FaceWe’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science.
Hugging FaceWe’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science.
GitHub: Let’s build from here · GitHubGitHub is where over 100 million developers shape the future of software, together. Contribute to the open source community, manage your Git repositories, review code like a pro, track bugs and features, power your CI/CD and DevOps workflows, and secure code before you commit it.
GitHub: Let’s build from here · GitHubGitHub is where over 100 million developers shape the future of software, together. Contribute to the open source community, manage your Git repositories, review code like a pro, track bugs and features, power your CI/CD and DevOps workflows, and secure code before you commit it.
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